Thursday, March 24, 2011

Freeing yourself through Forgiveness

ANGRY! I spent the first half of my life this way. It all started when I was 8 years old and my mummy went to heaven. I wasn't ready to say goodbye. I was so mad at God. How could HE be so cruel to take the most important person in my life away?  For many years, I harbored this anger and I took it out on the world and myself. Mostly on myself.

Then it happened. BAM! I didn't see it coming but I had an epiphany. I realized that my anger was destroying me and I had to do something. My first act was forgiving God. Sounds crazy but that's what I did and with that I started going to church again. Church helped me find something I hadn't had in a long time - peace.

My second action was forgiving the people in my life -- my dad for not being the parent I needed, my brothers and sister for not guiding me as older siblings should, and my extended family for not being there for us after my mum passed away.I soon discovered that forgiveness doesn't give people a pass but in actuality is a way to free yourself.

Do I still get angry? Umm...yes of course, I'm human. I've just learned that sometimes you have to decide if it's worth it to allow that negativity to consume you. And believe me, it does consume you -- sometimes in ways, you don't even realize.

Lesson # 2: Forgiveness is a GIFT to yourself. It allows you to experience life in the purest way with an open heart.

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