Friday, April 22, 2011

Love Me

It's hard watching your friends and family go through bad things in their relationships and not be able to fix them. This made me start thinking about my past and the choices I made that have lead me to where I am now.

I have learned something from every relationship I've been in from how not to let a guy treat you to finding out how strong I really am or what great friends I am blessed with. The most important lesson I've learned though has been to Love Me!

Bad relationships do things to us - they can break our faith, lead us to forget who we are, cause us to do things that we regret, make us feel bad about who we are....and sadly, convince us that no one will love us, not even ourselves. 

I promised myself after a long abusive (mentally and physically) relationship with someone that I thought I loved and loved me that I would always LOVE ME. How could I expect others to love me, when I didn't love myself. I would not let myself down even when everyone around me did. I am a smart, amazing person and as lucky as I am to have my friends, family, boyfriends in my life, they are even LUCKIER to have me in their lives.  And in moments when I can't see clearly, I remind myself of this promise. Two simple words with the ability to change the choices we make......


Lesson # The best gift we can give ourselves is to see the beauty in who we are even in the midst of chaos.

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