Monday, March 28, 2011

Expectations lead to self destruction


It is part of my genetics - instilled in me at birth by two parents who barely saw the inside of a school in their youth because working was more important. Along with this OA gene, I'm also a pleaser - always wanting everyone to be happy. This has been a huge thorn in my side, imposing on my ability to experience life in many ways and causing me to develop something called expectations.

Expectations have been both my friend and enemy. As my friend, they have caused me to be a better student and worker. As my enemy, they have caused me stress and anger.

So I have one thing to say to expectations -- YOU'RE FIRED!
I am letting myself off the hook and freeing myself to be the best or worst version of me - expectation free. I will no longer do what others think is the right thing at the cost of my own sanity. I will not allow others to "expect" me to always be the best daughter, sister, friend, student, or worker. Everyone needs a day off.

Lesson # 3: Expectations lead to disappointment. Focus on being the best you can be and accept others as they are .....

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